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1. What are PFAS?

2. Why are PFAS a Health Concern?

3. Lowering Your Exposure to PFAS in Drinking Water

4. Short Term Solutions: How to Select a POU Water Filter or Bottled Water

5. Washington State's Response to PFAS Exposure from Consumer Products

6. Lowering Your Exposure to PFAS in Household Products, Part 1

7. Lowering Your Exposure to PFAS in Household Products, Part 2

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Disclaimer: This material is funded through a Public Participation Grant from the Washington State Department of Ecology. The content was reviewed for grant consistency but is not necessarily endorsed by the agency. 

Este material ha sido financiado por una Subvención de Participación Pública del Departamento de Ecología del Estado de Washington. El contenido de la subvención fue revisado para verificar su coherencia, pero no es necesariamente endosado por la agencia.

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